Protect Yourself from the Coronavirus


Coronavirus is a virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat and can range from mild to severe symptoms. We know those with compromised immune systems are more likely to be affected. Avoiding people who are sick, washing your hands and avoiding touching your face, mouth & nose are all great methods to protect yourself, I’m here to help you take it to the next level and really give your immune system a boost!

Here are 7 helpful ideas to ramp up your body’s own immune system: 

    • Vitamin C  We can boost the immune system with a vitamin C regimen of 1,000-2,000 mg per day which may reduce severity of symptoms and shorten the duration of the illness. Consuming adequate produce is simple way to boost immunity since colorful fruits and veggies are loaded with Vit C and other antioxidants. A few favorites to add are citrus fruit, berries, kiwi, cabbage, broccoli, pumpkin, kale, sweet potato, brussel sprouts, apples, peppers and spinach.
      You could also supplement with Emergen-C or Airborne.
    • Probiotics  Include in your meal planning a healthy level of good bacteria. Incorporating probiotics is valuable in restoring levels of these healthy bacteria in our body to protect us from infection.  Your gut 70-80% of your immune cells.  A quality probiotic supplement is recommended but remember to always take after antibiotic use. Introduce fermented foods into your diet such as tempeh, kimchi, kefir, yogurt (make sure the label says it contains “live active culture”) and sauerkraut.
    • Water  We experience fevers because the body’s defense mechanism is heating up in effort to kill the virus. This can cause loses of vital fluids, especially if you experience vomiting & diarrhea, so it’s crucial to be hydrated. Keeping the kidneys hydrated will naturally support the immune & lymphatic system.
      Our lymphatic system filters out foreign invaders and is comprised of mostly water. Since our lymphatic system and immune system work synergistically,
      it’s imperative to keep drinking those fluids to keep everything moving smoothly.
    • Sleep  Physical exhaustion is a common symptom of an illness. Light meals such as chicken or veggie soup with homemade bone broth let the body divert it’s energy to the
    • healing process rather than straining to digest a large meal. Let yourself rest to allow your body to recuperate. Good sleep cycles help the immune system work well.
    • Food Is Medicine  Reach for garlic & onions (which will also keep your friends 6 feet away)! It helps your body suppress infection while enhancing immune function. These two powerful foods are antibiotic, antimicrobial, antiviral and antibacterial.  Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammtory, antioxidant with antimicrobial effects. It is a muscle relaxant and may have the power to reduce coughing & inflammation. Add 1-2 tsp of raw honey to ginger tea. A cough can be a good thing; your body is trying to get rid of mucus that may be collecting in your lungs. However, a persistent cough may be annoying if it keeps you up at night. Ginger can help with nausea too.  Season your meals with oregano & thyme. Oregano has antiseptic and antibiotic properties .
      Thyme is also an antiseptic and promotes expectoration making it an excellent excellent remedy for respiratory infections & coughs.
    • Supplements  Down to Earth Has an essential oil called Burglar Blend which is a great anti-bacterial, anti-viral combination to use in a diffuser to combat airborne illness & bacteria.  Lovey’s Natural Foods Market has organic Elderberry juice for an herbal immunity booster.
      Gaia Herbs online offers Immune Shine which is a powerful blend of wild mushrooms, chaga, elderberry & ginger.
    • Sunshine  Spend time in the sunshine.  Our skin makes Vit D when exposed to sunlight.  Vit D deficiency is linked to increased susceptibility to illness. Sunlight  directly activates key immune cells by increasing their movement. Sunlight is germicidal and there is evidence it can kill viruses.  Fresh outdoor air is a natural disinfectant so if you don’t deal with seasonal allergies, spend some time taking deep breaths outside and enjoying the warmth of some sunlight on your skin.

Robert Urich states “A healthy outside starts from the inside!”
Please join me in nourishing our own bodies so we can come together and take care of one another during this stressful time.

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