Happy Pride Month!

June 1, 2023 by chrysalis

Happy Pride Month from all of us at Chrysalis Center.  Make sure you stay up to date on our instagram (@chrysaliscenternc) to see educational content about LGBTQIA+ considerations in the mental health space all month long! Keep reading to learn more about ways that Chrysalis is striving to better meet the needs of the LGBTQIA+ population through our Health Equity Initiative.

Chrysalis Center is proud to be accredited with the Joint Commission (JCo) and we are putting our own spin on JCo’s new health disparity initiative with our Health Equity Team. 

Megan Vaughn (she/her, admin, check-in) and Riley Burns (she/her, Registered Dietitian) are the Chrysalis team members who are spearheading this first iteration of the Health Equity Project.  Though the project will be ongoing, we are focusing our efforts on improving our inclusivity and affirmation of the LGBTQIA+ community in our office.  

Recently you may have seen signs up around our office with a QR code on it asking you to scan and take a survey about perceptions of inclusivity at Chrysalis and what we can do to better meet the specific needs of our LGBTQIA+ clients, family, and loved ones.  If you took the survey, thank you! Your input is invaluable.  If you are a client or the loved one of a client at Chrysalis, you can still take the survey by clicking HERE, or by finding the link on the front page of our website.  

What changes will you see?

You will notice some small but impactful changes as a first-line intervention to make Chrysalis more inclusive.  First, Chrysalis staff have added their pronouns to the website and their email signature.  This change indicates that we are informed on the importance of stating our pronouns and that Chrysalis is a safe space to disclose your personal pronouns.  

Second, we have added safe space stickers to doors and around public areas at Chrysalis featuring the progress pride flag.  Click HERE to read more about the progress pride flag and its importance in the community.  

Next, we have added a robust section of resources on our website that have been vetted by our Health Equity Team.  To find it, either click HERE or go to [resources] → [LGBTQIA+ resources].  For those reading this who don’t identify as LGBTQIA+, this resource is for you too! We hope to empower you to learn more about how you can support and uplift the LGBTQIA+ community in your day-to-day life.  

Lastly (for now) we are making an effort to add a section for pronouns on all of our intake paperwork, as well as asking about preferred names and legal names.  This information will be available to clinicians, and clinicians are encouraged to introduce themselves with their own preferred name and pronouns.  This adjustment is done in an effort to continue normalizing use of pronouns and to help Chrysalis to become an overall more affirming space.  

What changes will you *not* see? (AKA – the changes happening in the background)

Changes happening in the background are the ones that are happening on the staff level.  As a staff, we have committed to pursuing more education on issues facing the LGBTQIA+ community, having Q+A presentations in our staffing sessions, and making it a point to more openly discuss recent legislature at the state and federal level that impacts LGBTQIA+ rights.  As an organization, we are committing to understand that protecting our LGBTQIA+ clients, staff, and loved ones means protecting LGBTQIA+ rights. 

All of us here at Chrysalis greatly appreciate your grace and input as we make these changes.  There is space in our survey to add additional feedback, and we would be so very grateful if you are able to take the time to participate.  Chrysalis is proud to support the LGBTQIA+ community and to continue our journey of learning and affirming. 




About Us

At Chrysalis, we believe that a supportive, healing environment is essential in order for change and growth to occur. We seek to offer such an environment to clients and help them create that in their lives and relationships. Read More

Client Satisfaction Survey


Mon: 8AM – 6PM
Tue: 8AM – 6PM
Wed: 8AM – 6PM
Thu: 8AM – 6PM
Fri: 8AM – 4PM

© Chrysalis Center | Design Interventions