Celebrate National Nutrition Month 2021

March 15, 2021 by Terri Mozingo, RD


National Nutrition Month® is an annual campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. During the month of March, everyone is invited to learn about making informed food choices and developing healthful eating and physical activity habits.

This year’s theme is “Personalize Your Plate.” There is no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition and health. We are all unique with different bodies, goals, backgrounds and tastes! And a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist can tailor a healthful eating plan that is as special as you are.

Week 1: Eat a variety of nutritious foods every day!
 Include healthful foods from all food groups
 Learn how to read Nutrition Facts Panel
 Avoid distractions while eating
 Take time to enjoy your food

Week 2: Plan your meals each week. Use a grocery list to shop for healthful foods
 Be menu-savvy when dining out or ordering takeout
 Choose healthful recipes to make during the week
 Fuel for school or week with a healthful breakfast
 Enjoy healthful snacks

Week 3: Learn skills to create tasty meals!
 Keep healthful ingredient on hand
 Practice proper home food safely
 Share meals with people who live with you or virtually, when possible
 Reduce food waste
 Try new flavors and foods

Week 4: Consult a Registered Dietitian (RD)
 Ask your doctor for a referral to an RD
 Receive personalized nutrition advice to meet your goals
 Meet RD’s in a variety of settings throughout the community
 Find an RD who is specialized to serve your unique needs
 Thrive through the transformative power of food and nutrition

Contact the Chrysalis Center to meet with a dietitian @ 910-790-9500

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Tue: 8AM – 6PM
Wed: 8AM – 6PM
Thu: 8AM – 6PM
Fri: 8AM – 4PM

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